How to use AI data sets

AI data sets include findings and summaries written by AI. Covering tens of generic topics, they help you get going with your foresight work.

Data set findings are added alongside your own findings.

What AI data sets are for

AI data sets are intended for inspiration and to help you get started quickly. AI data sets will not replace your own scouting and sensemaking work, which is the basis of good foresight.

AI data sets will help you to:

  • Get started quickly on a new topic
  • Get inspiration for your own foresight work
  • Get an overview of a broad topic
  • Monitor new signals when combined with AI picks and FIBRESEED

AI data sets will not:

  • Be comprehensive or 100 % accurate
  • Offer accurate predictions or forecasts of the future
  • Replace your own scouting or sensemaking work

How the AI data sets are made

The contents in AI data sets are based on large language models (LLMs). This means that no human domain experts have worked on the AI data sets. To read more about which technologies we currently use, please see our privacy policy.

How to use AI data sets

When you add an AI data set to your account, a set of findings and summaries will be added to your account. You will also be able to explore these findings and summaries on the Network and Radar views.

Once added, the findings and summaries in AI data sets act just like any other finding or summary in your FIBRES account. This means that people in your account have full editing rights to them, in the scope of their normal user rights levels, including:

  • Editing the description
  • Adding or removing linkages
  • Moving to a different radar position
  • Adding to a new radar
  • Archiving or deleting
  • Assessing with classifications

How to add an AI data set

You can add data sets in the Your data sets section of FIBRES, accessible via the drop-down menu. Administrator-level user rights are needed for adding data sets.

  1. Open the main menu indicated by the green circle.
  2. Click Your data sets to open a list of available data sets.
  3. Click Add next to a data set you want to add.

After a short wait, the data set will be added to your account.

Why can't I add all data sets?

Some data sets don't have the option to add them directly, such as the full TRENDONE data set. This is often because the data set is paid and/or very large. However, in most cases we can offer short trial periods to these data sets, too. Please ask for more!

Data sets can be added by Administrators in the Your data sets view.

How to remove an AI data set

Data sets can be removed in the Your data sets section of FIBRES, accessible via the drop-down menu. Administrator-level user rights are needed for removing data sets.

  1. Open the main menu indicated by the green circle.
  2. Click Your data sets.
  3. Click Remove next to the data set you want to remove.

After a short while, the data set will be removed from your account.

All items in a data set will be removed

Please note that all findings, summaries, and radars belonging to the original data set will be removed. If you've made edits to the data set, those edits will be lost, too.

Previously added ata sets can be removed by Administrators in the Your data sets view.
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