Find new signals with Sources

FIBRES lets you easily keep track of your sources in one place, the Sources view.

What is the Sources section

Sources is one of the main views of FIBRES. It's the place where you can look for new findings to be added to your database from a vast pool of up-to-date web sources. Alternatively, you can use the web clipper to collect your own signals from around the web.

Search the FIBRESEED feed in Sources

Our FIBRESEED service already tracks hundreds hand-picked, trustworthy source publications and lists articles from them in Sources in a searchable and easily browsable format.

Filter to narrow down your search

Here are the most common use cases for using the advanced filters instead or in combination with the text search:

  • Explore a single topic — Use the category filter to select e.g., only news items in the Automotive industry.
  • See what's new on a topic — Use the published filter to only view news pieces that were published since your last session, e.g., all news on IoT since last week.
  • View only your company's internal feeds — Use the origin filter to list only Private sources e.g., if you want to check what's coming in from your company's private, exclusive, or licensed feeds.

Create findings from Sources

You can easily create findings from articles listed in Sources.

  1. Select the articles by clicking the selector.
  2. Click Create finding in the action toolbar.

A new finding is created with the finding type Signal.

After creating a finding from Sources, you can proceed to link it with an existing finding in your FIBRES database. We would recommend linking the new signal with an existing signal cluster or trend on the same topic.

Add your own sources to FIBRESEED

We can easily incorporate your favorite sources in the service, including:

  • Specific websites
  • RSS feeds
  • Google Alerts
  • Open databases

New sources can be requested easily when you are a FIBRES customer.

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