How to use the Network

The Network view is a great tool for exploring your content visually. If your Network is empty, create two Trends and link them together.

What is the Network view

The Network shows your findings and linkages as a network graph. It is calculated automatically based on a commonly used network algorithm.

Thick lines between finding bubbles represent human-made linkages. Thin lines represent underlying Signal connections.

Halos around finding bubbles depict the number of linked Signals. The wider the border, the more linked Signals the finding has.

Signals are excluded from the full Network, but are visible when focusing on a single finding.

How to grow the Network

Create findings

When you create a finding with the finding type Megatrend, Trend, or Signal cluster, it will be added to the Network view as a bubble.

Link findings together

Creating a linkage will draw a thick line between two bubbles. If your Network is empty or full of disconnected items, you haven't created any findings or linkages between them yet.

Focus on selected

With the Focus feature, it's possible to focus on a selected finding or summary on the Network. This allows you to drill down to in your data, even surfacing linked signals.

There are 3 ways to enter the focus Network:

  1. Select an item on the Network and click the Focus on selected button in the top-left corner. To exit the focus mode, click Show full Network.
  2. Double-click on an item in the Network. To exit the focus mode, click Show full Network.
  3. Open an item in full view. Scroll down to Linked items and click View on Network. Then, the Network view will open focused on that item.

View summaries on the Network

Summaries are shown on the Network as rectangles. Thick lines represent the linked findings. It's a handy way to see which findings your summaries are connected to.

Download an image of your Network

You can download a PNG or an SVG image of your Network. Click the download button in the top-right corner of the Network view.

You can zoom in to a specific part of the Network before downloading, or apply filters to only show part of the Network in the downloaded image.

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