How to add a finding to a radar

Add your findings to radars by selecting positioning criteria for them. One finding can be added to multiple radars!

How to add a finding to a radar

Findings are added to radars in the finding full view:

  1. Navigate to Findings and open a finding.
  2. Scroll down to Radars.
  3. If the item has not yet been positioned on your radar, select the radar you want to position your finding on from the Add to radar drop down menu.
  4. Select suitable values from the assessment criteria related to the radar.
  5. Click Save and you will see your item plotted on the radar preview and when you open the full radar as well.

The assessment criteria will determine the position of the item on the radar. Your radar might also have a third (bubble size) and fourth (bubble color) options as additional criteria. Selecting values for these criteria will affect the size and color of the item when viewed on the specific radar.

Make use of the radar preview

The radar preview shows the new position of your finding on a radar. Use it to double check the intended position on the radar without navigating to the radar view.

If you have multiple radars, you can compare the positioning easily when viewing the radar previews side by side.

How to add a finding to another radar

One finding can be added on as many radars as you like. To position a finding on a new radar, simply select another radar from the Add to radar dropdown and assess the item for the new radar's criteria. Assessments of the item for different radars will not affect each other.

Move a finding on a radar

To move a finding to a different spot on a radar, click Manage assessment, change the assessments as you see fit, and click Save. The change will take affect immediately.

Remove a finding from a radar

To remove a finding from a radar, click Manage assessment and then click Clear assessment and remove from radar. This will remove the item from that particular radar and not affect other radar positionings.

How positioning suggestions work

Click the lightbulb icons next to the assessment criteria when assessing a finding to view positioning suggestions. FIBRES will provide positioning suggestions if you've previously positioned related findings, otherwise the suggestions will be blank.

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