Draft a description from linked items

Generating a description from linked items help you quickly summarize new topics for sensemaking.

  1. Open a finding or a summary in full view.
  2. Make sure your finding or summary has at least 1 linked item.
  3. Under the description, click Summarize linked items.
  4. The latest linked items will be summarized. There is a limit on how many items it summarizes in one go. If you have a lot of items, you can summarize more items by clicking the button again.
  5. Edit the description as you like.

Tip: Summarize Signals in a Signal cluster

Use Generate description to quickly summarize a bunch of signals. If you are making sense of a host of new signals, we recommend the following workflow:

Create a signal cluster and link the new signals with the signal cluster. Inside the signal cluster, select Generate description > Summarize linked items.

This will help you quickly consolidate information, without jumping back and forth between the signal cluster and the signals.

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