Using multiple radars

In FIBRES, you can get multiple radars for different purposes. One finding can be positioned on any number of radars, so you don't need to create finding duplicates.

What multiple radars can be used for

Multiple radars are useful when you need to compile different types of radar views. Your radars can have different purposes and categorization criteria. For example, you could have one radar for environmental scanning, a second one for new technologies, and a third one for strategic choices.

Viewing multiple radars

If you have multiple radars, you can change between them in the Radar view. Select the correct radar from the dropdown menu in the top-left corner, and the Radar view will update accordingly.

Position a finding on two or more radars

One finding can be added to multiple radars. To position a finding on another radar, you need to select this radar in finding full view under Position on radars. Then, select values from the dropdown for this radar. Putting your finding on another radar won't remove it from the first radar.

Avoid creating duplicate findings

For example, if you have a Technology radar and a Strategy radar and you'd like to position Artificial intelligence on both of them, you don't have to create two separate findings.

Request an additional radar

Want a new radar layout for your account? See options and order a new radar layout. You can also book a support meeting with us to plan your radar layouts together.

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